當選總統: president elect當選: be elected的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...下: below; down; under; undernea ...屆: fall due議長: speaker; president會長: the president of an associat ...当选总统: the president designate; the president elect印度当选总统: p. j. abdul kalam新当选的总统: president-elect我必定会当选总统: i'm sure i'll be president尚未就职的新当选总统: president elect当选的希望: any hope of being elected已当选的: elect再度当选的: re elected当选: be elected 短語和例子 他當選為班長。 he was elected monitor. 他當選為委員。 he was elected to the committee.; 當選率 the rate of election; 當選人 successful candidate; person elect; 當選總統 president elect总统当选人: president-elect有希望当选的人: hopeful年当选美国诗人学会会长: academy of american poets没有希望当选的候选人。: long shot当选率: the rate of election当选人: elect当选者: elected; electee; successful candidate; vote-getter; winning candidate使当选: seat当选代表: elected representative